It's over. There is a mental exhaustion that follows on the heels of tax season. I generally require about a month before I am able to reacquire mental equilibrium. The old noggin needs rest and 36 holes tomorrow sounds like a good start. The weather people say that it will be sunny and 75 tomorrow. I take this as direct communication from the Holy Spirit. He is prodding me to play golf and I will most certainly oblige.
Me and the Mrs. are taking a few days this weekend and heading to Nashville to hang out with my brothers. Jared, Travis, and I share a weird connection. I'm not sure if all "brotherhoods" are this way but when the 3 of us are together, I can literally feel a recharging; as if their combined energies give me some sort of fuel with which to tackle my day. (Tacklin Fuel) They're good dudes. We'll laugh a lot this weekend.
That's all for now. I hope everyone got their tax house in order. If not, it looks like you still have a little over 3 hours to get to the post office. Good luck.
My mother's birthday was yesterday. Happy 33rd Birthday Mom!
Have a fun weekend in Nashville. Tell your brothers Hello from me and Happy Birthday to your mom...seems she grows younger every year! Be careful and have lots of fun!
Glad to hear you are through the worst. Also, I wish I were golfing as well. We will have to get out again, it has been too long.
Have a fun weekend in Nashville. Tell your brothers Hello from me and Happy Birthday to your mom...seems she grows younger every year! Be careful and have lots of fun!
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