Politics is communication. The vast majority of folks in this country vote one or two issues and disregard the rest. This is completely normal. The rest of life is this way. Most people get by with doing or knowing one or two things really well and are just mediocre at the rest. Example: That computer you're looking at. The best computers (Dell and Mac from what I hear) assemble parts from companies that specialize in each component of the machine. The company that makes the best microchip, does not worry about other pieces of hardware. In life, specialization works whereas general familiarity with all subjects gives you just enough knowledge to be dangerous. Your average voter instinctively gets this. The Evangelical votes based on abortion and gay marriage, the hunter votes on the second amendment rights, the soccer Mom votes education, the liberal votes blindly and arrogantly defends his nonsensical position. (Face!)
I vote taxes. There is a myth floating around the country that rich people don't pay "their fair share" of taxes. This is patently absurd. Rich people pay taxes. Poor folks on the other hand.......nevermind. Another myth floating around is that the "Bush tax cuts" only cut the taxes of the filthy rich and giant oil companies. Basic arithmetic coupled with an elementary understanding of taxation will bludgeon this argument to pieces. The average middle class family was left with additional disposable income because of the cuts as well as the opportunity for higher pay because their boss also had more disposable income. Allow these cuts to lapse in 2010 and we shall see who really benefitted because they will be the loudest screamers.
Here is the truth: Tax Cuts across the board are good but they must be accompanied by spending cuts. The forced removal of one man's property given to another man is inherently unfair. Adding insult to injury is the fact that the former man worked for his property while the latter man sat on his behind. High confiscatory tax rates kill the entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic that has driven the last 200 years of our history. "Spreading the wealth" is theft clothed in platitude. John McCain is imperfect but he will keep taxes low and cut wasteful spending. He's got my heart.
(For the record, Alan predicts a McCain/Palin victory with exactly 270 electoral votes. Ohio and Florida will go red. Write it down.)
I pray that you are right Alan, cause I have been having a bad feeling about all of this. Good points and thanks for saying it!
Shelly Dahl
Oh, I hope it is true. I have to say I've been so disillusioned with the obvious media bias lately. And could we please stop hearing about how much Palin's wardrobe costs. If she took the time to bargain hunt at Target and Marshall's, all we would hear about is how a woman can't fit the White House into her schedule because she is too busy running her own household and family budget. Not to mention the scrutiny of her style. Oh, and how much do Obama and McCain's suits cost? What about their shoes? Well, I didn't mean to get off into that rant... Your points were eloquent, keep it up!
Interesting post. I couldn't agree more with you on the tax issue.
But my "one issue" this year came down to foreign policy. While Sen. McCain certainly has a storied past, I actually think Obama is the better leader to restore our country's image abroad.
The economy is a close second for me. But let's be honest, the President has far less control over that then he does our foreign policy.
(The bigger economic influence is the DNC gaining even greater control over both houses.)
We'll get through this recession in the next two to three quarters. But regardless, the US will not be the sole superpower in another 10 years.
We must rebuild our allies now before Russia and China begin calling the shots.
And let the record also show, I called the race back in April. http://www.johninorlando.com/2008/04/dear-obama-haters.html
It'll be closer than the polls and pundits predict. But in the words of Lee Corso, Obama wins it by "a field goal."
Sorry your prediction didn't come true!
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