Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Primaries and Governor Wallace

I never got to meet my Grandfather on my Dad's side. He is the one person I would sacrifice a limb to meet. From all accounts, he was a good dude; worked hard, loved football and coffee, and was utterly devoted to his family and Jesus. He also loved Governor George Wallace (D-AL). He was storied to have said that the only faults my mother had were that she didn't like coffee and she disagreed with Governor Wallace. Mom has since developed a taste for coffee but I still don't think George Wallace would ever make her "Top 10 Most Admired People" list. Granddaddy Jesse was a Democrat. Had he lived the last few decades, I have a feeling that his political leanings might have migrated closer to the Republican side because his party left him. Many of the things that the Democratic party was known for several years ago, represent the framework for social conservatism and small government. I think my grandfather would have been sad to see what the Democratic Party has become, especially its propensity to develop and fund gigantic social welfare programs.

In similar fashion, I'm beginning to see the Republican Party gradually shift away from me. It appears that Senator McCain will represent the right in November. For the 2008 Presidential election, voters will be able to choose between an ultra-liberal and just a regular liberal. I'm not worried about the state of "the conservative movement", I just feel like I'm getting stood up for the Prom.

Incidentally, in his last term, Governor George Wallace made several intense and heartfelt apologies to those that he had harmed by his "firm stance on segregation" and he faithfully served Alabama in ways that the state will never be able to repay.


Anonymous said...

Not many people remember/studied past Governor Wallace's "standing in front of the schoolhouse" stunt.

He did feel truly compelled (long after there was any political upside for him) to apologize in all the ways he could, including getting wheeled in to a black church in Birmingham to speak before them, offer a heart-felt apology, and ever after used his political machine to help pass certain pieces of state legislature that helped give inner city schools and programs more funding.

I've known and heard of a lot of those men who had the democratic party up and leave them...they just sat home on election day by the late 80's because they had been abandoned, but couldn't stomach voting Republican.

Part of the greatest generation's wonderful legacy.

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