Saturday, November 1, 2008

On the nightstand and in the queue

What am I reading......?

Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges
-Our life group is rolling through this one right now. It is pretty good so far. Talks about the things we tend to overlook. Convicting and thought-provoking.

Letters To a Young Conservative by Dinesh D'Souza
-D'Souza was a policy aid to Ronald Reagan's White House (at the age of 26). Smart guy. Writes and speaks on the virtues of conservatism and the lunacy of liberalism. Naturally, I'm drawn to the man. This book is a series of letters written to a fictitious college student explaining the basic conservative principles. Good stuff.

Heroic Conservatism by Michael Gershon
-Gershon was a speechwriter for Pres. George W. Bush. He claims that the Republican party should back social programs similar to the things President Bush has pushed over the last 8 years. This book is about the Republican Party "regaining its soul by investing in the poor and social equality programs". This is what happens when journalists disregard economics. His claims are examples of out of control government spending. I'm not a fan. Aside from the short-sighted policies, this book is a defense of the character of George W. Bush. There are some touching stories about our 43rd President. The book is ok so far.

Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Kids Really Learn by a bunch of people with difficult names
-I haven't really started this one but it seems interesting. Looking forward to it.

What do I want to read next.........?

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
-I was told I'd like this one. We'll see.

Tsar by Ted Bell
-Political fiction. This one sounds awesome.

The God Who Smokes: A Scandalous Meditation on Faith by Timothy Stoner
-Anything that challenges commonly held views is valuable even if it is complete nonsense. This one may be great but it also may be crap.

That's what I'm doing. How about you?


Megan said...

I admire how many books you are able to read at one time. With a daughter, keeping house, and going to language school I cannot possibly keep up with that many, but I thought I would share my two since you asked--

Crisis and Hope In Latin America... an Evangelical Perspective
by Emilio Antonio Nuñez C. and William David Taylor
(excellent read so far)

The Book of 1 Peter (our team is memorizing sections of this together. It has been so encouraging and refreshing to study a book in this way)

Megan said...

No, they don't do the whole "nonsense thing" here. We are on the same time and you guys will catch up to us again in the spring. It does make Skyping with my parents before Ana's bedtime a little bit more difficult now though. :)